About GPTZero
GPTZero is the premier AI detection tool designed for educators, writers, and professionals. It uniquely classifies AI-generated text, allowing users to ensure authenticity in their work. With innovative features like detailed AI analysis and customizable integration, GPTZero empowers users to maintain originality and integrity in written content.
Pricing plans for GPTZero offer a free basic tier, essential for casual users, plus premium options. The Essential plan is $8.33/month, allowing up to 150,000 words, while the Premium plan at $12.99/month provides extensive features for 300,000 words. Upgrade for enhanced tools and insights.
GPTZero's user interface is sleek and intuitive, ensuring a seamless experience for users. Its layout allows easy navigation between features, and the writing report tool enhances user engagement. With a focus on simplicity, GPTZero combines usability with advanced functionality, tailored for effective AI detection and analysis.
How GPTZero works
Users interact with GPTZero by pasting text into the online platform or uploading documents for analysis. Upon submission, GPTZero processes the content and generates a detailed report indicating AI probability levels for each sentence. This streamlined approach enhances the user experience, making it easy to interpret results and identify AI-generated sections effectively.
Key Features for GPTZero
Advanced AI Scan
The Advanced AI Scan in GPTZero offers unparalleled accuracy in detecting AI-generated text. By analyzing content thoroughly, it provides users with detailed insights into AI probabilities per sentence, ensuring reliable assessments for educators and content creators seeking authenticity in their work.
Plagiarism Checker
GPTZero's Plagiarism Checker ensures the originality of written work. It identifies potential content copied from external sources, thus preserving the integrity of users' documents. This feature is invaluable for educators and professionals aiming to maintain transparency and uphold academic standards in their submissions.
Real-time Writing Feedback
GPTZero's Real-time Writing Feedback feature allows users to refine their writing instantly. By providing actionable suggestions based on AI analysis, it helps authors enhance clarity and coherence in their text, promoting better writing practices and ensuring the final output is both authentic and engaging.